In 2019, with the help of employees and volunteers, HAF organized nurses and doctors to provide complete physical checkups for HAF recipients (elders). That took long time to coordinate and it took over 2 months to do physical checkups for 70 elders.



Most of the recipients were not able to leave their homes so transportation arrangements had to be made for nurses and doctors to do house visits (as the image above shows). The cost was great, volunteer hours were greater than anticipated. Due to these facts, the same service was not provided in 2020 and 2021. But we were still searching for ways to provide  much-needed medical help to our elders. Finally, toward the end of 2021, we found a better solution.

The Ethiopian government introduced Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) and launched pilot projects in 2011, in 13 districts. It took few years to get traction and for people to trust the system and its benefits. Then, it became widely available in almost every city in Ethiopia, including Harar. HAF decided to enroll all existing recipients (elders) in CBHI program so that they can receive:

  • Routine checkups
  • Hospital visits as much as needed
  • Treatment and prescription drugs
  • Even referrals to bigger and care specific hospitals outside the city of Harar
  • It also covers the registration fee which is required for every hospital visit.


In order to be part of CBHI program, every district has its own enrolment fees.

The fees for the city of Harar, as of January 2024,

  • New member: 1,090.00 Ethiopian Birr ($20.00 USD) per person for one year
  • Renewal: 800.00 Ethiopian Birr ($15.00 USD) per person for one year

Documents required to enroll:

  • Government issued ID (copy to be submitted with application)
  • 2 government ID size pictures
  • One page application with personal details


HAF employee and volunteers went to each and every recipient (elder), in Harar, and explained the benefits of enrolling in the CBHI program. Most of our elders are suffering from basic medical challenges/issues due to lack of money to pay for treatment or purchase medication. Every hospital visit has registration fee, urine test fee, blood test fee and so on. HAF recipients do not even have enough money for food let alone hospital visits and medications.

As of May 2024, HAF enrolled 340 recipients, in city of Harar, into the Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) program.

We were informed by the registration office that the normal enrolment/renewal process takes 4 – 8 weeks for recipients to get their CBHI card, since it will be processed in Addis Ababa and shipped back to Harar. This card will be renewable every year to extend the service it provides.



Your generosity is the key to maintaining the health and wellbeing of our beloved Harari elders.