About Us


Harari Amana Foundation Inc. (HAF USA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Atlanta, GA,Harari Amana Foundation Inc. (HAF CANADA) is in the process of getting registered as a non-profit organization in Canada.


Harari Amana Foundation is a foundation dedicated to providing financial support to disadvantaged Harari elders in Ethiopia, who are over the age of 50 with ZERO income or support.

Currently HAF is providing  1000.00 ETB every MONTH to 240 recipients in Harar, Dire Dawa, Haramaya, Kombolcha, Deder and Addis Ababa to help them with their basic day-to-day necessities.


Based in Atlanta, in 2005, a group of friends/families started to provide financial help to the disadvantaged Harari elders in Ethiopia, once a year during the month of Ramadan.

In the summer of 2017, they managed to distribute 180,000.00ETB among 180 families, in person. This personal visit allowed them to witness the horrible living and financial conditions of our Harari elders. It also made them realize that the help they have been providing once a year was inadequate and inconsistent. They came back to Atlanta determined and committed to finding solution to this urgent matter.


In Nov. 2018 Harari Amana Foundation was established with 16 members with the vision to provide regular monthly allowance to disadvantaged Harari elders in Harar.

In Dec. 2018 our membership grew to 46 and started providing monthly allowance to 21 recipients in Harar

Currently, HAF has 300+ MEMBERS globally with over 240 RECIPIENTS throughout Ethiopia


  • Membership fee of $30/month is ONLY used to provide 1000.00 ETB monthly allowance to Harari elders
  • All other HAF projects are funded by generous members/non-member donors.


Provide respectful service to our elderly Hararis without compromising their personal choice and dignity.

Be transparent to our members while maintaining recipients’ privacy and protecting their identity.

Work with other groups and organizations to avoid redundancy.

HAF is able to accomplish all these amazing and noble deeds, Masha-Allah, by collecting:

HAF membership fee of $30/month (Goes ONLY toward 1000ETB monthly allowance)
· Generous donations (Goes toward additional help for our recipients via various projects)